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I was born in Buenos Aires in January 1991. That makes me a Capricorn. I don't know if that's relevant but I say it anyway. I had a very happy childhood that never ended. Once I asked my mom if I could make money out of my drawings. She told me to study graphic design so I did. I studied at FADU (UBA) and I loved it and hated it at the same time. Since then I've worked as a freelance Illustrator and graphic designer. I work from home next to my dog Coca listening to Beyoncé. 

I've published books with Planeta, Santillana and Edelvives. I've also worked for newspapers and magazines.



(Just kidding, nobody asked me anything)


Have you studied something else?

Lettering, xylography, photography, silk-screen print, literature and bookbinding.


What do you like to draw?

Everyday life and people. Especially old people.


Why do you draw so many birds?

I don't know. I should talk about that in therapy.


How do you work?

I draw with ink and then I edit colors digitally.


Why are you asking questions to yourself?

Because it's the only way I found to include this information. And it makes me feel a little bit famous.




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